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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Men: the causes and treatment of erectile dysfunction and relaxes the penis during intercourse for adults only special2014

Men: the causes and treatment of erectile dysfunction and relaxes the penis during intercourse for adults only special
Especially weak erection disorders and sexual performance generally more Cioaapkthermma we thought previously. In 1994 Ajerytefi study to test Alhalhasahahldy adult men in the state of Massachusetts, in the United States, showing that more than Ncefalrjal Foksen 40 years, and who have not been diagnosed with the disease state most of whom, have been subjected to erectile dysfunction disorder. The Akharyajeryt and Cdetdrasat on patients treated in clinics and public, that the proportion of people who suffer from erectile dysfunction is a very high percentage, so Besbbamrad and medicine (discussed below).
It is not usually talk to patients, in general, with the family doctor Holadtrapat sexual performance, based on the premise that says this is not his job (competence) and fear Manalmsbesorthm. Kmikhcytabab, is also, of Aivaoualmarb or do not touch Isalhbesrahh and clarity possible Anadtrapat in sexual performance. Thus arise "conspiracy of silence" between the patient and the doctor in regards to sexual performance disorders in general, and erection disorders, in particular. There is no doubt that he should be on the health Tbebalraih Alaolahan be in the service of his patients and provide them with assistance and Alonfa treatment of these disorders, Kjzemn comprehensive treatment.
The causes and risk factors for erectile dysfunction
Reasons for erectile dysfunction: a lot Manalamradoualemhakkadd cause disturbances in sexual performance. In Almadeetm Tsnifazh Alawamilovqa of sources: -nevsah emotional and physical-C.S. Visé. Today, we are aware that this classification artificial, because the link between the self and the body is very close and can not be separated.
A variety of reasons for erectile dysfunction:
- Psychological pressure, Almchaclalchksah problems and marital relations, sexual Manaladae anxiety (fear of Alvfalgansa, etc.).
- Some of the common diseases, such as diabetes (Diabetes), hypertension (Hypertension), hyperlipemia (Hyperlipidemia), Tklsotsalb arteries in the body (atherosclerosis - Atherosclerosis). The common denominator among these Alammeradho that Bahatather on Tdfaqaldm Alyalqdab, and may affect sexual Baltalevanha Alyalada and lead to erectile dysfunction. And it also applies to drugs used in the treatment of these diseases (Hasratbita - beta blockers, drugs to reduce Trkizaldhun, diuretics, etc.).
- Problems in filleting (Innervation), as occurs after sliding Gdharoviva spine, or after pelvic surgery or radiotherapy.
- Depression (Depression) and anxiety (Anxiety) - Two diseases are very common types, one can look Ankhvadalrgbh is notable decline in sexual and sexual performance. Also, treatment by modern medicine inhibitors selective serotonin re-uptake (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - SSRI) exacerbate the problem, and this is one of the side effects of these medications.
- As well as heart disease and therapies can harm, Haayda, the level of sexual performance. It is known today that the person Alvetard bout Qlbehisttia Back Alymmarsh his natural sexuality, but need help and encouragement only. Also, sex Aleomla Taattlpmjhoda physically Okbermn physical effort required by the rise of two-storey degrees on foot. So, you must Chjielmarbaly Back Alymmarsh sexual activity and Aguenallban that does not involve a serious risk to his life.
- Medicines, such as Adoahaltahedih, drugs reduce Mnachemadalmadh, الكيميائيوالهرموناتالمختلفة- treatment may affect the level of sexual performance.
Treat erectile dysfunction
There Mtnoahmn group therapies help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Khtalalaj Alaolaleom is by tablets Viagra / Sildenafil (Sildenaphil / Viagra), Levitra (Vrdnaphil / Levitera) or Cialis (Tdalaphil / Cilas). Tballzh Aladoahfa and pharmacies, and every doctor can give her that in appropriate cases. These medications side effects minor and transient:
Mild redness of the cheeks, a slight decrease Fadgtaldm reflected in the slight dizziness and a feeling of weakness and nausea. Mazationzh symptoms fade and Tzulqubl Alibdefa sex (after Hawwalisaah). There was no patients, almost, who was the side effects of these drugs on them heavily to the degree to refrain from re-addressed. But, prohibits eating these medications, is strictly prohibited, with medicines containing nitrate (Xiaodhtdfq medicines for blood in the coronary arteries of the heart Dymredy), also prevents addressed, too, does not allow for all of his physical status, medical, psychological, sex.
A person who can not deal with one of these medications by mouth, or the person who showed that this drug does not inappropriately, it may be possible to help him by direct injection into objects Allekevien penis (corpora cavernosa), as it is injected into the blood Vaalhalyalauaah materials. Is Archadalchks processor, Ahoshricth, how Alhaknalmata. Almemknayda of Asthaddamamadkhhkhash (boneless - Vacuum pump) strong erections occur, it is saved by Halqhfa base of the penis.
In the event of the failure of all the ways to treat erectile dysfunction mentioned above, it is Almsthassanan Consideration of a process to Zrakdabastnaaa. This is a simple surgery, and the proportion of very good success. Post the first doctor (family doctor) in the decision-making process and remedial measures greatly increase the chances of success, as also increase Mnastaadadalmadjin Harikathmmeltgay and treatment.
Can treat erectile dysfunction. Must first doctor (family doctor) diagnosis of these cases, as he can, most likely, be addressed. In any case, each hospital Henulkipa large clinics specializing in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

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