بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Thursday, November 27, 2014

3 Stars most loyal to their spouses and their children know them .. !!2014

Despite the constant preoccupation with the Stars and celebrities the world, but that the family is the backbone of both the successes achieved by these celebrities, and more stars success are turned to their families and taken a love and attention did not Taktafhm cameras and lights and red carpets of family warmth needed by their parents .. These are more Hollywood attention with their families public site Quora as he said when we asked them about the Hollywood stars of family life ..
- Will Smith
Will Smith is already one of the most visible Hollywood stars with his family and an expression of his love for his wife and children on many occasions and press interviews.

ويل سميث مع أسرته
Will Smith with his family
أسرة ويل سميثWill Smith's family
ويل وجيدا سميث
Will Smith and well
- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Ehtman small Bosarthma are exaggerated, especially Angelina, which appear with her children in a number of public and private events, published a technical sites, accompanied by pictures of her children carrying school bags and other images they are riding in a yacht and a third one in the pictures airports
أنجيلينا وبراد وأبناؤهما
Angelina and Brad, their children
أنجيلينا جولي
Angelina Jolie
And not more than interesting that Angelina preferred to escort their children to the royal palace when she was honored by Queen Elizabeth II and given a medal of honor, and the sons were the first who saw her after the award.
- Kim Karadchian
Despite the interest in the exaggerated Permanent appearing on the covers of magazines, issued news most read on the most artistic sites list only that Kim Karadchian often appears with her husband, Canet and not her daughter's North West, and because of the lasting interest in small daughter became the North West and one of the most famous children in the world and has become the in se Kim and Canet, and possibly compete DIA in one day
كيم ونورث ويستKim and the North West
كيم وكانيه ويست
Kim and Canet West
كيم وابنتها
Kim and her daughter

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