بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ambassador Emma Watson show ownership of a champion received the best actress award watched ..2014

United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson got the best British artist title this year at the Britannia Festival, which was held in Los Angeles.
Ambassador star emerged champion ownership much in line with the new humanitarian role in one of the festivals where they receive one of the awards
ايما واتسون في مهرجان بافتا بلوس أنجلوسEmma Watson at the BAFTA Los Angeles Festival
The champion began her speech by thanking Harry Potter BAFTA because they have been allocated this year after the award of the bus business, which is expected to be seen in Noah, The Bling Ring.
ايما مع جائزتهاAnd went into the audience and said: "This place does not mean I only work, but the place where I grew up, that is a BAFTA management of my family.Image "Many feel that Emma may be a miniature version of Angelina Jolie in the future with respect to humanitarian role, and began Emma (24 years) take a new role as ambassador for the United Nations Goodwill seriously. Where she spoke some time ago at the United Nations headquarters to help end gender inequality, and called on all men and women to make changes.
Image Will we see a new Angelina Jolie in the next period, you'll see another woman Stzhr the heart of the earth and good words stemming from the inside, you will be Emma Watson is the new Angelina Jolie.

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