بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

John Sung said, "Gambling stints in" stormy winter "2014

A new experience waging Korean artist, "said Joe Song" Zo In-Sung in the new Korean series "stormy winter," the young man through a personal "or Sue" who suffers difficult living conditions occurring among the gambling until it becomes a professional gambler.
Ambitions "or Sue" did not stop at this point, he seeks to become rich, and completely believes in the principle of the end justifies the means until it reaches its goal of raising money.
  • جو ان سونج Women always tense relations with each woman recognize them because of the printing that frighten women from him, even the blind girl "or Young" once matched they are searching for the missing brother, and read her letter, and since that moment all share feelings together.
  •  جو ان سونج John said Song" was born and raised in the city of Cheonho, near the capital Seoul, he studied "Joe" in Administration Chunnam Techno University, then joined later studied theater and film at Dong University, but he left in 2007.

    Turn "Joe" to the field of advertising and work Kmodel is the son of the 17-year-old, then went to art in 2000 through its participation in the series School 3 and then launched into the world of acting.
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