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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sultana Koussim unresolved conflict between Toba Byukostun and Beren Saat2014

Times Production Company artistic production following the preparations for the production of its second you care about the rule of the Ottomans and focus in particular on the life inside the Ottoman palace, and the impact of women on the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and sometimes its uniquenessالفتاة التي ستجسد دور اللسطانة كوسيم في طفولتها.The girl who will embody the role Allstanh Koussim in childhood
After the Times that the company produced the series "Great Century" which shed light on the life of one of the most important women of the Ottoman Empire, and most of them ruthless and an influential Russian ongoing Sultana Huyam
سلمى ارجتش ومريم أوزرلي ونور فتاح أوغلو في مسلسل حريم السلطانAriz Selma and Meryem Uzerli and Nur Fettahoğlu in the series of the Sultan's Harem
Times Company return to produce the series tells the story of the life of Sultana Shake her name Ottoman history of hyper power and its might, the Sultana Koussim and considered the first Queen of the Ottoman Empire and not actually control from behind the curtain Cassapekayaa, the first woman to sit on the throne.
توبا بيوكوستونمشهد من الإعلان الدعائي لمسلسل السلطانة كوسيم يظهرها تجلس على عرش الدولة العثمانيةA scene from the advertising of the series Sultana Koussim shows it sits on the throne of the Ottoman Empireالسطانة كوسيم الحقيقيةAlstanh real Koussim

Series, which was chosen director famous Zainab Gunay that drove many successful series, including the series over time and lost and recently my name Jultib, which is scheduled to be introduced in September 2015, was the name of the heroine of several months unauthorized him definitively of the production company, but promoted rumors widely Stars filters to embody the role of the Sultan Koussim are German actress Meryem Uzerli Turkish actress Tuba Byukostun beautiful and brilliant actress Beren Saat.
بيرين سات مريم أوزرلي
Meryem Uzerli

However, fans of the famous actress Beren Saat had sewn it to their advantage through a poll conducted by the manufacturer to choose the heroine favored by the public choice has fallen on the star Beren Saat is to embody the role of the Sultan Koussim.
بيرين سات

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