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» No Min Woo's Hair: A History 2014
Actor, singer, and musical prodigy No Min Woo
is gorgeous, and so is his hair. Now sure, you could say this is just a
cheap ploy at posting photos of No Min Woo, which in that case you
would be correct; but his hair is awesome too so technically speaking,
this is an awesome excuse and you know it! Over the years he’s
experimented with all sorts of styles and hair colors you may have
really loved or really hated. So because this is such an important topic
to address, I went ahead and gathered photos of him during various
points in his career showcasing awesome hair styles.
Big and Blond
For those of you who don't know,
No Min Woo is a real rockstar and debuted in the rock band The TRAX in
2004. He even went by the stage name "Rose" and was the bands drummer.
No Min Woo also plays guitar and piano hence the whole "musical prodigy"

Sleek and smooth
His hair looks amazing, I love
the color and his face is just everything. I have yet to see a guy who
didn't look good with this hairstyle.
Long and Wavy
I LOVED his long hair! He looked so hippie-ish and beautiful with it. Look at that lip pout!
Brunette and Permed like a Puppy!
I actually like this hair color
on him. I'm not usually a fan of the perm but I sort of really like it.
It's messy and cute and reminds me of my puppy's ears. ^_^
Side Swept Bang Luxury Fabulousness of EVERYTHING!
Ok, not gonna lie this is one of
my favorite photos of him! It's been wallpaper for my laptop and
cellphone! He looks so pretty and perfect with his dark hair and long
bang/fringe. Plus I'm in love with that white furry thingy he's wearing
because I'm totally tacky that way anddddd we both share the same weird
dimple placement. I look at this photo and I just wanna caress his face
but not in a weird way what so ever #ShutUpDontJudgeTheWayiLoveHim
That Scrunchy Wet Look
You know when you don't have
naturally curly hair but want waves in your hair, you wet it and then
use a bunch of gel or mousse in it while scrunching it up?! You might
even leave it to naturally dry or blow dry it for that super crunchy
look and feel! They totally did that to him and he's probably the only
one who can get away with it because let's be honest; the wet crunchy
look really isn't cute. Sorry if you rock out in this style but at least
now you can ummm stop? No Min Woo, you may continue to do this if you
so choose to. #DontHateCuzYourNameIsNotNoMinWoo
Glossy and in the Spotlight
He's literally glowing and his hair is literally shining! I love that small side sweep and peek at his perfect eye brow.
K-Drama Hair at it's Finest!
K-Drama Confession: I have not seen My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox but I do know this was No Min Woo's hair during the filming of it.
Let us all take a moment to thank
the hairdresser who sculpted this haircut so perfectly. Notice the way
it frames and compliments his nose, lips, and defined jaw.
Lee Tae Ik, I hear the hair haters already!
O.M.G Full House Take 2
was my obsession and Lee Tae Ik is one of my favorite characters
because he's pretty much my ideal guy, but sooo many of my DF Besties
were hating hardcore on his hair! Now granted this specific hairstyle of
Tae Ik was a bit unique because of the thick waves and color but it was
so versatile!
Tae Ik's hair went from waves to...
Idol sexy, side-parted hair that
he wore on stage while singing that song "You can touchhhh" that stayed
stuck in your head for hours after, to...
Manic poodle with a mini Snooki
puff which was perfect because whenever he rocked this style he was for
sure in a manic state of mind!
So in conclusion Tae Ik's hair was awesome and all you hair haters can keep right on hating! :p
You're sexy and so is your hair!
Don't you just wish he would just
I dunno magically appear on your bed...or couch if you wanna be
conservative about it. I love this shade of blond he has going on and I
don't know if you've noticed this or not, but he is really good about
changing his brow color to match his hair. One thing I cannot even deal
with is people who change their hair color to a lighter shade but act
like their brow color is totally fine being jet black...it's not totally
fine at all.
The Feels Won't Allow Me to Title This
Hmm does this photo of him remind
you of anyone? I won't tell you who I'm thinking of so you have to
guess, but I mean just everything! The outfit, the shades, the jaw and
perfect makeup all topped off by that sexy side swept hairstyle again!
Say No to the Bowl!
What is with this?! I'm sorry but
grown men shouldn't be walking around with straight up bowl haircuts
like this. No Min Woo is a beautiful puppet looking person as it is, but
this horrible cut just puppet-fies him into over kill! Yet, on the
other hand, if you just stare at this photo for awhile like I currently
am, you will say "Well maybee on just youuu it's okay."
Historical Hair Hotness
Just in case you weren't clear on the fact No Min Woo is
prettier than you, 20 photos later here he is with long hair and a great
bang/fringe in Sword and Flower to make sure you've gotten the memo.
No Min Woo is rocking out literally with new hair
and new stage name since he formed a new band a few months ago. His new
stage name is "Icon" and he still has the bowl cut but at least he
side-parted and styled it. #EPIC
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