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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Que Sera Sera: COMMENT ROUND-UP 2014


With QUE SERA SERA ending this weekend, I had the suggestion from fellow fans ginnie and Xena to open things up for you all to contribute your thoughts of the series. If we get a lot of great responses here, they thought it would be nice to share this compilation of thoughts with the people behind the series over at MBC’s official site, where people affiliated with the show have been known to read and post.
So, what do you think? Of the series, of the stories, of the acting, production, anything? If you had the chance to address the people who worked to bring us such a great series, what would you say?
Post your impressions here! With any luck, maybe they’ll get to read them.
Edited to add: Now that the series is over, I’m bumping this so it displays after the last episode summary. Original timestamp is: 2007-05-07, 9:02:23 pm
Also edited to add: Here’s an excellent example from Xena:
a taunting, unbridled enigma.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been earnestly enthralled with the K-drama ‘Que Sera Sera’ from the moment the first episode aired. The drama was refreshing, the direction bold, the story-telling ruthlessly brilliant and the characters divine. The performances from the two main protagonists; JUNG YOO MI and Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK are flawlessly impeccable and their scenes together sizzle with all the right chemistry required to invite audiences to voyeuristically intrude and bask in these lover’s affairs, their arguments, their beautiful highs and their heartbreaking lows. ‘Que sera sera’ has moved me immensely.
JUNG YOO MI displays the same screen presence and sparkles with the same quirky quality found in international singer/actress Bjork, whom also seduces viewers, with a surreal woman/child demeanor. And Eric Mun/MOON JUNG HYUK portrays the damaged prince, anti-hero Casanova, contemporary Romeo beautifully.
Tae Joo being a tarnished protagonist is immensely appealing, for we see things through his eyes, which I adore. A character does not have to be ‘likeable’ or ‘safe’ in order to be appreciated and this drama has been courageous enough to display that. It makes no excuses and treats viewers with the curiosity of mature content without having to over explain itself. We are more than capable of filling in the blanks, no over justification needed. The love story of Kang Tae Joo and Han Eun Soo has been a taunting, unbridled enigma.
‘Que sera sera’s’ re-telling of the old love story of falling in love with opposites, it’s modern feel, topped with the edgy direction of KIM YOON CHUL have been a brave, dramatic and visual treat. And it has left me with an unquenchable thirst of always, simply wanting more!
I could go and on in praise of the serial but I shall not. I just wanted to thank the cast, crew and the production of QSS, for providing and sharing such a wonderful and addictive distraction in the world of ‘que sera sera’ and I wish everyone the very best of luck with their future projects. We look forward to experiencing new ventures from the QSS team and pray they shall continue to be as fearless in the execution of storytelling as this drama has been.

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