بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

[ARTICLE] Jang Keun Suk @ Codes Combine Autograph Session 2013

[ARTICLE] Jang Keun Suk @ Codes Combine Autograph Session

釜 山光复店@张根硕 签名会速写(摘译1)登场,不是普通活泼的20代青年,而是韩流明星范,张根硕的登场令光复大道一带轰动。他此时身着的CC T恤,在签名会之后狂卖。2楼在自己的签名下写上“空彩(空签)”,跟着店内播放的自己的歌随意唱着,感受到他活跃的性格,如果熟识了一定很愉快有趣。
Upon arrival, we see not just a bubbly 20yr old, but a star representative of Korea, JKS stirred a sensation on the street of Busan during the CC autograph session. The sales of CC tshirt he wore sold crazily well after the autpgraph session. on the 2nd level, after signing he wrote "empty sign" (not sure what this means), after which the store played his music which he sang along, we could feel his dynamic character, if we know him better, it would definitely be more fun
I was at the side watching JKS sign, i could feel he really treat his fan really nice. He was smiling all along and would casually greet (his fans), talking about the weather of Busan, really warms the hearts. After the autograph session, he even waved to the fans outside (who were waiting for him). He is, amongst the stars i have seen, one shining star who exudes positive energy
Sunday at 10:50pm · Edited · Like · 9
There were Korean and Japanese eels who started queuing 2 days ago, however, some who got numbers through the agent managed to "cut queue", resulted in some Korean eels who could not get the number (for the autograph session), and there were some Japanese eels who queued for 2 days and got the number, felt really bad for the Korean eels. After getting to know this, JKS, who is nursing a shoulder/neck pain, and not having good appetite, immediately decide to add another 20 eels for the autograph.

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