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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Origins of KPOP Fan Club Names2014Part 2

Since there is such a wide variety of fans and groups, one article just wasn’t enough. So, as promised, here are a few more groups and how their fan names came about. Find out just exactly what you can call yourself from now on!
Fan Club Name: I Am Origin of Name: 2PM and 2AM together make up One Day. For this reason, 2PM and 2AM’s fan club names fit together, giving I Am Hottest. Color: Black / Metallic Gray
Fan Club Name: Hottest Origin of Name: According to JYP, 2PM is the hottest time of the day. Go figure. Color: Metallic Grey
Fan Club Name: B2UTY Origin of Name: The stylized version of Beast is B2ST, and since Beast thinks so highly of their fans, they have named themselves B2UTY. Cutely enough, it’s like B2UTY and the B2ST. Color: Pearl Midnight Blue
Fan Club Name: Everlasting or 4Everlasting Origin of Name: The four members are unified to make Brown Eyed Girls last together with their fans. Color: Yellow
Fan Club Name: STAR1 Origin of Name: Starship Entertainment held a poll and STAR1 was the most popular choice. Also, combining the word STAR and the Korean word for one, you get STA(R) + IL = STYLE. Color: Fuschia
Fan Club Name: Kiss Me Origin of Name: The fans seemed to reply to U-Kiss’ kiss requests with their fan club name. Also, if U-Kiss were to ask “Who should I kiss?” the fans would yell back “Kiss Me!” Color: Pearl Pink
Fan Club Name: Primadonna Origin of Name: The name came from the title of a very popular song from the group’s very first studio album. Color: Yellow (Pentasticks)

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