بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wife, "Lee Byung Hun" rotated on ethical scandal2014

lee byung hunMedia reported that a Korean actress, "Lee Min Jung," the artist's wife, "Lee Byung Hun" Lee Byung Hun, I decided to take a stand against her husband, who was implicated in a scandal recently with a mannequin and her friend.

Method of punishment, "Lee Min Jung" traitor to her husband, as described by the Korean press, was that it left him in the marital home and currently lives in her family home.

She returned, "Lee Jong of" recently from Paris to her father's house directly, and trying as much as possible not to appear for the lights or express any opinion in the case of her husband, or even to make any statement to the press in this scandal.
Actress, "Lee Min Jung," with her husband, the artist, "Lee Byung Hun"

The Korean actor, "Lee Byung Hun" has been subjected to a scandal after recently spread his videos collected Pftaten in breach of conditions, and subjected to extortion attempt by these two girls these recordings.

Star-old (44 years), had filed a complaint to the police against the two girls and the police reached them already have been interrogated, and actually recognized the crime.

Turn the "Lee Byung" sent a letter of apology to his fans about the incident, which has not healed himself of them, and said in his letter: "I know that this incident may have disappointed your hope, I am unable to imagine how it happened, before we decide to whether this incident housekeeper or No, I'm very sorry for everything, which may be due to ignorance, but I do have a representative of the love of many people, the pain I feel a great responsibility for what happened.
Actress, "Lee Min Jung," the artist's wife, "Lee Byung Hun"

He added: "Above all, and what hurts my heart more, is that I you hit deep pain and disappointed Republican, I will do my best coming period to restore the confidence of my wife and my family, me, who have been by my side and compensation for pain and trouble they have suffered.

He concluded his letter saying: "Although I can not return back in order to repair what has been a nuisance; but I that I shall be more careful in the future, I will never forget your love and great attention

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