بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pictures: More importantly, the absence of the star and her friend about the controversial ceremony Engin Ozturk2014

Celebrated Turkish star young Engin Ozturk ceremony gala birthday twenty-eighth yesterday evening, September 28, in the presence of a large number of art stars, including actress beautiful Beilin Karahan, which she shared work in the series "Great Horn" role Sultana Mary's elder sister, as well as the star Aras Bulut Oanamla which Harkhma the same job role Prince Bayazid brother Prince Salim younger who personified his star Engin Ozturk, also attended the star Khaled Ariz best known for his famed character of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, and his wife, actress beautiful Bergmas Corel, as well as Representative Serb Okakaaa, who personified character "Otmadja" or "Cheetah "in the series" great Horn ".
النجوم في حفل عيد ميلاد إنجين أوزتورك
Stars in concert gala birthday Engin Ozturk
Also attended the promising young "Tolga Sarattash" and who personified brilliantly intense personal younger Prince "Jahangir" youngest son of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, which has suffered from health problems throughout the many years of his life until he died of grief at the age of youth.
تولجا سارطاش، ميليسا دوغو
Tolga Sarattash, Melissa Dogu
Keen as well as the star Noor opener Ihsanoglu to come to the ceremony where compiled recently by the Star Engin Ozturk strong friendship since working together in the great horn as embodied Noor opener Ihsanoglu personal Sultana Nahid rotation, as well as currently preparing for the championship series, "Let this be the end" and that the name was changed a few days ago to become a "way of life" and who shared Engin Ozturk starring, alongside the star Ipek Karabenar which also was keen to be present at the ceremony.
نور فتاح أوغلو
Noor opener Ihsanoglu
He also attended the ceremony, as well as Representative Burak Lehman Turk and sweetheart asterisk taken Ozbernja which ruled many times of fun with star concert Engin Ozturk.
The star was keen Bergmas Corel and actress Noor opener Ihsanoglu and star Ozbernja morning and taken twenty-ninth day of September, on the publication of pictures taken them in concert, hanging by a thin words wishing the young star more success and long life carefree.
إنجين أوزتورك وأوزجى أوزبرنجي

Engin Ozturk and taken Ozbernja
إنجين أوزتورك، بيرجوزار كوريل، أراس بولوت أيناملي

Engin Ozturk, Bergmas Corel, Bulut Aras Oanamla
إنجين أوزتورك، ميليسا دوغو

Engin Ozturk, Melissa Dogu
أوزجى أوزبرنجي

Taken Ozbernja
النجوم في حفل عيد ميلاد إنجين أوزتورك
Stars in concert gala birthday Engin Ozturk
Remarkably, in the matter is that the star's famous Murphy Bolgor which embodied the character of Sultan Nubano wife of Prince Salim in the series of great horn and collected by the friendship is very strong the star Engin Ozturk since then, and so they became the closest girlfriends at all, did not exist in this big concert, and I took the Turkish press wonders about the reason for its absence from the ceremony, according to reports newspaper Junic Turkish, the star Murphy Bolgor probably wanted to avoid further controversy around it, especially since the Turkish press is still deliberating News relationship with an asterisk society Elise Sako Ihsanoglu beloved former pop singer famous «Murat Boz» and director of his works, which were has recently estranged after eight years; treason because as it turns out, was where Elise Show by some journalists are Turkish actor «Engin Ozturk» and the two exchanged kisses, and called it the title of "matchmaker" which angered a lot.
According to a report Haber Turk Turkish site has aroused the anger of the news that Murphy frequently, and has been invited to the statement: I am not a broker nor matchmaker, and quite the contrary, I'm trying to reconcile the Murat Boz and Elise. It is possible that they had separated for other reasons, but there are others seek only to smear and want me scapegoat for it.
Although the Elise and Murad who had been divorced once and even rumors since the days of promoting the scope of widely about the existence of a relationship between Elise Sako Ihsanoglu and the young star Shatai Osue, the thing that pushed Shatai Osue first yesterday to exit degrading remarks to the press Turkish explicitly, but Murphy Bolgor still Beliz relationship Sako Ihsanoglu met with a lot of cash
ميرفي بولغور، إليز ساكوش أوغلو

Bolgor Murphy, Elise Sako Ihsanoglu
مراد بوز، إيليز ساكوش أوغلو
Murat Boz, Elise Sako Ihsanoglu
It is noteworthy that the star Engin Ozturk it did not go beyond its three technical work, did not exceed the age of twenty-eight after, although it has won important roles in three of them, Bdohm the role of "sound" in the Turkish series of successful "Fatima" has shared the tournament both of the star, "Perrin Sat "and the star," Engin Akiorik "the star" Bora Josue "actor" was Caner ", has made the series an unprecedented success drew attention to the blond handsome quickly, won after an important role in the Turkish series" crime Ankara "next superstar" Najat Afalr ", then then came the direct participation in the legendary series "great Horn" the role of the Sultan "sound" Crown throne of the Ottoman state after Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent
إنجين أكيوريك، بورا جولسوي، إنجين أوزتورك، كان تشانير

Engin Akiorik, Josue Bora, Engin Ozturk, was Caner
إنجين أوزتورك

Engin Ozturk

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