بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Photo: Varun and Arsenal legend Perez Abehran the launching ceremony of the official T-shirt for FC Goa 2014

Indian actor attended the famous "Varun Dhawan" hero film ABCD 2 launching ceremony of the new official shirt for the team FC Goa, who will play in the Indian Premier League football season 2014-2015.
فارون داوان يجلس بجانب لاعب الأرسنال السابق روبير بيريز ولاعب الكريكيت الهندي الشهير
Varun Dhawan sits next to the former Arsenal player Robert Perez and the famous Indian cricketer, "Virat Kohli" The coach of FC Goa famous Brazilian Zico
فارون داوان وهو يمسك كرة القدم أثناء تواجده في الحفل

Varun Dhawan, holding a football while he was at the concert

He was among those present at the ceremony legend former England team Arsenal, "" Robert Perez, "Brazilian coach famous" Zico "and the famous cricketer," Virat Kohli "who participate in the ownership of this team.
فارون داوان وهو يمسك كرة القدم أثناء تواجده في الحفل 2

Varun Dhawan, holding a football while he was at the concert 2
الثلاثي فارون داوان، روبير بيريز و فيرات كولي يمارسون كرة القدم أثناء الحفل
Triple Varun Dhawan, Robert Perez and Virat Kohli practicing football during the ceremony

The cameras capture many images of the star Varun, Robert and Virat they review their skills in football
مالكي الفريق والضيوف يمسكون بقيمص فريق FC Goa
Team owners and guests clutching Bakamus team FC Goa
صورة جماعية تجمع فارون داوان، روبير بيريز، فيرات كولي وزيكو
Group photo gathering Varun Dhawan, Robert Perez, Virat Kohli, Zico

It is known that Varun the filming of his new movie ABCD 2 with Indian actress famous "Shraddha Kapoor" and "Lauren Gottlieb," The film is written and directed by "Remo

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