بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saif Ali Khan postpones launch promotional video for his new movie ..2014

The famous Indian actor "Saif Ali Khan" to postpone the launch propaganda video for his new movie Happy Ending due to be presented in Indian cinemas on December 5 of this year.
It was scheduled to be put up this video during the month of September and specifically on Sunday 28, but Saif had to travel suddenly to be postponed view this video at a later time.
It is known that Saif al-old 44-year-old and two friends were arrested after a complaint by Indian businessman "Iqbal Meer Sharma" after the fierce battle took place between them in one of Indian restaurants on February 22, 2012, where it was the recent release of Saif bail material.

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