بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Threw «iPhone 6 Plus» from a height of 2500 meters ..oalentijh amazing!2014

American young man decided to test Rick Ryan «iPhone 6 Plus» in his own way so that eliminates all the controversy about the new mobile.
Where the young Rick Ryan threw «iPhone 6 Plus» from a height of 2500 meters while jumping from the plane that was carrying him specifically to make that experience.
And proved the young American Rick Ryan GPS device on the phone who will threw him out of the plane so it is easier to locate him if he was corrupted after the fall, which will be exposed to the enormous him.
  But the result was absolutely stunning After the Rick Ryan threw the phone from this soaring decided to disembark from the plane and search for iPhone 6 Plus according to the place which will be determined by the GPS device and the result was shocking for Rick if that device was found works and does not suffer only from screen displays for some fractures.

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