بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Korean star "Soo-hyun," published pictures of her wedding a week before the ceremony.2014

As part of its readiness for the wedding scheduled October 4 next, the Korean star, "Su Yu Hyun" So Yi Hyun take wedding photos with her ​​boyfriend and future husband actor "NQ Jane", and it seems that the couple wanted to be a wedding day to celebrate just so they decided to be Photos before the wedding ceremony a week.
العروسين تحت رزاز المطر
The couple under the dripping rain
"Soo-hyun," released a set of wedding photos to the media and showed a view of attractive Pfstan wedding and looked more glamorous with her ​​boyfriend
الورد سفير الرومانسية بين الزوجين
Roses ambassador romance between spouses
The Korean actress "Yu Hyun-soo" has been invited last week to the audience on the occasion of her wedding scheduled on October 4 next, which falls on Eid al-Adha.
العودة للقديم والكلاسيكية حاضرة في صور حفل الزفاف
Back to the Old and classic present at the wedding pictures
Was the star, "Su-hyun" had announced last April emotionally relate to the news that the Korean actor Jin Kyu In Kyo Jin, and set the date of her wedding to be the fourth of October 2014, according to a statement issued at the time agencies responsible for the "Soo Hyun" and her boyfriend, "said Jin Kyu
صور زفاف سي هيون
Wedding Photos Si Hyun
The text of the statement at the time: "met the two stars under the umbrella of one agency 12 years ago, and since then maintained duo on the good relationship between them, and even developed their relationship of mutual trust, so that their families have become a close relationship to each other as well, and support relationship with the two stars."

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