بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

  • مراد علمدار

    هو بطل المسلسل وهو الشخصية الرئيسية فيه. ولد بإسم علي جاندان وكان أبوه محمد قرخانلي. هو رجل مافيا وسياسة، تدعمه الدولة التركية للقضاء على أعداء الدولة والمافيا، وكذلك القضاء على كل من يريد إنهاء أو التقليل من هيبة البلاد. مراد علمدار يواجه في أجزاء المسلسل العديدة عدة أعداء وينجح في القضاء عليهم، ويتم إستهداف الكثير من أحبائه. ينضم مراد بعد ذلك إلى هيئة الختيارية ثم يصبح رئيسها وبعد ذلك يحاول القضاء على حراس المعبد. من أقرب المقربين لمراد هم ميماتي وعبد الحي وجاهد وعاكف، وكذلك منظمة الأمن القومي.

  • جاهد كايا أوغلو

    اليد اليمنى لمراد، يساعده في أعماله وله دور كبير في المسلسل، بعد إعلان وفاة مراد في الجزء الثامن، يحاول جاهد الدخول في حراس المعبد وينجح في ذلك،ويصبح عضوا مهما معهم ،ولكن في الحقيقة مراد لا يزال على قيد الحياة وجاهد يواصل العمل مع حراس المعبد بناء على أمر من مراد . يتسم جاهد بوسامته وذكائه.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pictures: More importantly, the absence of the star and her friend about the controversial ceremony Engin Ozturk2014

Celebrated Turkish star young Engin Ozturk ceremony gala birthday twenty-eighth yesterday evening, September 28, in the presence of a large number of art stars, including actress beautiful Beilin Karahan, which she shared work in the series "Great Horn" role Sultana Mary's...

Photo: dancing and singing brings Salman Khan and Haider heroes of the movie in this program2014

Hosted Indian actor famous "Salman Khan" in his famous Bigg Boss Bmosmh eighth heroes of the movie Haider and two star Indian famous "See Kapoor" and asterisk "Shraddha Kapoor", where the two stars promoting their film to be vulnerable in cinema halls in India on October...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sad surprise for lovers of monster Brock Lesnar2014

Awaits lovers destructive monster Brock Lesnar watch it again in the face of defending the WWE Championship and the World Championship Heavyweight after the hijacking of the masses lovable John Cena in the presentation of SummerSlam. But it seems that this monster lovers...

Pictures: Murphy Bolgor controversial: chose me a scapegoat2014

Crisis star Murphy Bolgor with the Turkish press because of her new friend Elise Sako Ihsanoglu does not end, after a wave of anger caused by the press of art in Turkey's star Murphy Bolgor a few weeks ago, and after that was launched by some Turkish newspapers title «matchmaker»,...

Threw «iPhone 6 Plus» from a height of 2500 meters ..oalentijh amazing!2014

American young man decided to test Rick Ryan «iPhone 6 Plus» in his own way so that eliminates all the controversy about the new mobile. Where the young Rick Ryan threw «iPhone 6 Plus» from a height of 2500 meters while jumping from the plane that was carrying him specifically...

You will not believe the health status of a monster Brock Lesnar2014

Chart some sources close to the ferocious monster WWE Brock Lesnar that he suffers from serious health problems after the end of the show Night of Champions this month, and its success in maintaining the WWE Championship and the World Championship Heavyweight against John...

Batista legend soon return to WWE .. when?2014

Wrestling star managed Wild Batista to achieve his dream that finally snatched the limelight from all the Hollywood stars through the success of his latest film Guardians of the Galaxy, which has claimed the revenues exceed $ 300 million since its release in cinemas world...

Image .. Learn Khalifa legend Undertaker in WWE 2014

Undertaker comes out of the coffin During the recent period discussed several reports the health status of legend Wrestling Undertaker, and that she was talking recently about the state of Undertaker health and that he is suffering from paralysis Alrash.ually despite...

""Arabiya" Premier launches new application for cell phones "BlackBerry 10" smart 2014

Pat users can BlackBerry 10 smart all over the world to access the latest news and in-depth analysis in the affairs of the Middle East through a new application for the site of the English Channel "Arab" news ("Al Arabiya News") www.alarabiya.net/English, where this application...

Steve Austin announces an exciting surprise! 2014

It is popular that everyone is talking about the legend of wrestling retired Steve Austin and about the possibility of returning to the circuit WWE again, but these things are denied by officials in the company or by Austin himself, but today something happened very sexy...

Polat dizide Türkiye'yi kurtarıyor, dizi de Necati Şaşmaz'ı2014

Polat dizide Türkiye'yi kurtarıyor, dizi de Necati Şaşmaz'ı Kurtlar Vadisi'nin Polat Alemdar'ı Necati Şaşmaz, Çamlıca'da 7 milyon dolara yeni bina satın aldı. Kanal D'de yayınlanan yeni sezonun ilk bölümünde Polat IŞİD örgütü ile karşı karşıya gelmiş, sahneler...

Korean star "Soo-hyun," published pictures of her wedding a week before the ceremony.2014

As part of its readiness for the wedding scheduled October 4 next, the Korean star, "Su Yu Hyun" So Yi Hyun take wedding photos with her ​​boyfriend and future husband actor "NQ Jane", and it seems that the couple wanted to be a wedding day to celebrate just so they decided...

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