
مراد علمدار
هو بطل المسلسل وهو الشخصية الرئيسية فيه. ولد بإسم علي جاندان وكان أبوه محمد قرخانلي. هو رجل مافيا وسياسة، تدعمه الدولة التركية للقضاء على أعداء الدولة والمافيا، وكذلك القضاء على كل من يريد إنهاء أو التقليل من هيبة البلاد. مراد علمدار يواجه في أجزاء المسلسل العديدة عدة أعداء وينجح في القضاء عليهم، ويتم إستهداف الكثير من أحبائه. ينضم مراد بعد ذلك إلى هيئة الختيارية ثم يصبح رئيسها وبعد ذلك يحاول القضاء على حراس المعبد. من أقرب المقربين لمراد هم ميماتي وعبد الحي وجاهد وعاكف، وكذلك منظمة الأمن القومي.
جاهد كايا أوغلو
اليد اليمنى لمراد، يساعده في أعماله وله دور كبير في المسلسل، بعد إعلان وفاة مراد في الجزء الثامن، يحاول جاهد الدخول في حراس المعبد وينجح في ذلك،ويصبح عضوا مهما معهم ،ولكن في الحقيقة مراد لا يزال على قيد الحياة وجاهد يواصل العمل مع حراس المعبد بناء على أمر من مراد . يتسم جاهد بوسامته وذكائه.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
2PM Make A Comeback In 2013
2PM Make A Comeback In 2013
Le boysband 2PM 2013
Les 2PM ont toujours étés reconnus pour leurs talents exceptionnels en danse et pour leurs chorégraphies uniques et impressionnantes. Ils sont aussi des talents en chant ou rap exceptionnel. Certains d’entre eux sont même acteurs et animateurs d’émissions TV.
Aujourd’hui, 2PM est l’un des groupes coréens le plus apprécié de la Corée et ils répandent la « wave Hottest » partout en Asie (Japon, Thaïlande, Chine, Philippines, Malaisie, Singapour…).
2PM a fait ses débuts officiels le 4 septembre 2008 avec le mini album ‘Hottest Time Of The Day’ et la chanson titre ’10 Out Of 10′.
2PM est, à la base, l’un des sous-groupes du boysband One Day (Hot Blood Men) composé des 2PM & 2AM.
Les fans de 2PM se nomment « Hottest ». La couleur officielle du groupe est le gris métallique. Leur style de musique est HipHop et Pop.
Gizli Tanık Kıskaç: Abdullah Çatlı ölmedi öldürüldü 2013
29’u tutuklu 108 sanıklı Birinci Ergenekon Davası’nın 215. duruşması ’Gizli Tanık Kıskaç’ın ifadesinin alınmasıyla devam ediyor. Duruşmanın öğleden önceki oturumunda gizli tanığın sesinin salonda tam olarak anlaşılmaması üzerine sorunun giderilmesi için duruşmaya ara verilmişti. Duruşma başladığında ise gizli tanığın sesinin salona normal olarak ancak görüntüsünün yine bozuk olarak verildiği görüldü.
"ABDULLAH ÇATLI KAZADA ÖLMEDİ, ÖLDÜRÜLDÜ" Abdullah Çatlı’nın Susurluk’taki kazada ölmediğini yaralı kurtulduğunu, kazadan hemen sonra ise öldürüldüğünü öne süren gizli tanık, söz konusu cinayeti Antalya JİTEM Grup Komutanlığı’ndan Başçavuş Hakan ve Yüzbaşı Kadir Tahir’den öğrendiğini savundu. Olay sonrası kazaya ilişkin video kayıtları ve fotoğraflar gördüğünü öne süren tanık Kıskaç, "Abdullah Çatlı’nın arabadan indiği, kapının üst tarafında tutunduğuna yönelik 2 fotoğrafı gördüm. Abdullah Çatlı’nın kafasının ortasında yarık vardı, arabanın sol tarafının dışında yerde oturur vaziyetteydi. Bu fotoğrafı JİTEM çekti" şeklinde konuştu. Kazayla ilgili bir de kamera kaydı izlediğini ifade eden Kıskaç, söz konusu kayıtlarda kamyonun altına giren arabanın sağdan sola kayda alındığını iddia etti. Gizli Tanık Kıskaç’ın ifadesine ara veren Mahkeme Başkanı Hasan Hüseyin Özese duruşmayı yarın saat 09.00’a erteledi.
Sabancı suikastinin basit bir olay olmadığını kırılma noktası olduğunu savunan ’Gizli Tanık Kıskaç’, "Veli Küçük’ü herkes tanır, Veli’yi herkes bilir. Hatta Özdemir Sabancı suikastinin olduğu dönemde Sabancı Center Güvenlik Müdürlüğü’nü emekli Tümgeneral Öner Pehlivanoğlu yapıyordu. Ömer Pehlivanoğlu, Veli Küçük’ün arkadaşıdır. Bu generale karşı kimse bir şey yapmadı" dedi. Gizli tanık ayrıca mahkemeye Sabancı suikastiyle ilgili bilgilerin bulunduğunu söylediği bir flaş belleği de sundu.
Sıkıyönetim Komutanı'ndan ilginç Çatlı belgesi 2013
Sıkıyönetim Komutanı'ndan ilginç Çatlı belgesi
Susurluk'taki trafik kazasında hayatını kaybeden Abdullah Çatlı'yla ilgili 12 Eylül 1980 askeri darbesi sonrası yargılanmasına ilişkin dikkat çekici bir belge ortaya çıktı.
Oğlu 'Yeşil'in öldüğüne inanmıyor! 2013
Oğlu 'Yeşil'in öldüğüne inanmıyor!
JİTEM tetikçisi Yeşil kod adlı Mahmut Yıldırım ın hiç yayınlanmamış resimleri ortaya çıktı. Oğlu Murat Yıldırım kitap yazarak babası Mahmut Yıldırımın hikayesini anlattı.
Ergenekon prosecutors plan to review key murder case of Çatlı and ‘Yeşil’ 2013
Ergenekon prosecutors are interested in a case in which two men -- Abdullah Çatlı, who was killed in a car crash in 1996 while carrying the ID card of Mehmet Özbay, and Mahmut Yıldırım, who used the codename "Yeşil" during shadowy undercover operations -- are the prime suspects.
Both men, particularly Yeşil, are thought to be responsible for countless “executions” and “unsolved murders” in the country. Yeşil is presumed dead, although this has yet to be established officially. And not Çatlı, but rather his fake identity, Özbay, is the suspect in the case. That’s why both men, although both likely to be dead, are officially still being sought as fugitives. The Bakırköy 4th High Criminal Court is hearing the case, in which Çatlı and Yeşil are charged with kidnapping and subsequently killing two Iranian drug smugglers in 1995.
According to the background facts on the case, two Iranian drug smugglers, Asker Simtko and Lazem Esmaili, were kidnapped on Jan. 14, 1995, as they were walking into the Imperial Casino of İstanbul’s Polat Renaissance Hotel. It is believed that the kidnapping was carried out by Çatlı and Yeşil, under the assumed identities of Özbay and Ahmet Demir, respectively.
Çatlı and Yeşil later called the Iranians’ relatives for ransom. Esmaili’s brother Ahmet Esmaili put a total of $350,000 into two accounts at two different Ankara Ziraat Bank branches opened under the name Ahmet Demir. But the two men were nevertheless tortured to death. The police found their bodies on Jan. 28, 1995, in Silivri, near İstanbul. The Silivri Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation. In 1998, arrest warrants were issued for the two suspects.
According to reports filed by the gendarmerie, the two Iranians were not killed by Yeşil and Çatlı but by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) for preparing a list of Turkey’s Kurdish businessmen that had helped the PKK financially. The PKK was also reported to have claimed responsibility for the two deaths, stating that “the two Iranians who worked against the PKK and were suspected to have worked with the National Intelligence Organization [MİT] were punished by metropolitan revenge teams.”
According to this claim, Çatlı and Yeşil had the Iranians kidnapped by their own men wearing police uniforms and then delivered the two men to the PKK. Former MİT Anti-Terrorism Department Chairman Mehmet Eymür, in an article he wrote on the Web site atin.org, confirmed that Simtko and Esmaili (who used the code name Zeya Nazım) had worked for the MİT. He also stated that the two compiled a detailed list of businessmen who contributed money to the PKK, of which then-Prime Minister Tansu Çiller had spoken in 1996, saying: “We know who they are. We have lists in our hands.” Eymür also wrote that the two men were questioned by militants affiliated with the PKK, who discovered many names involved in shady dealings, which ranged from the heroin trade to murders of Kurdish businessmen.
An accident occurred in 1996 when the investigation into the two Iranians’ deaths was still under way. While Çatlı died in the accident, his other identity, Özbay, which was actually stolen from a businessman who applied to the Turkish Consulate in Chicago for a new passport in 1995 after losing his old one, is alive, according to official records. Mahmut Yıldırım, although presumed dead, has not been declared as such officially. This is why there are still arrest warrants out for the two men. In 2003, a criminal case was launched against the two, who have been accused of many crimes.
Ergenekon Prosecutor Mehmet Ali Pekgüzel has now received the file he had requested on the two men last November, and the prosecutors will be reviewing the file soon.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Dream High 2 2013
Chinese Title: 星梦高飞2 / 追梦高中2
Genre: School, musical, comedy, romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-30 to 2012-Mar-20
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
Related Series: Dream High Series
BandToxic as band performing with Yoo Jin in Hongdae (ep.1)
MYNAME as OZ Entertainment Agency’s idol group (ep 2) PSY as trainer coach (ep 5)
Park Ye Eun as Park Ye Eun (ep 9) Bae Suzy as Suzy (ep.15) Miss A (ep.15)
Producer: Bae Yong Joon, Park Jin Young
Director: Lee Eung Bok & Mo Wan Il
Screenwriter: Heo Seong Hye