بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Friday, January 10, 2014

قصة المسلسل التركي صحراء Türk dizileri çöl hikayesi2014

المسلسل يحكي قصة حب نآمر خيانة غيرة و انتقام
تدور ىاحداث القصة حول رجا ثري يتزوج من امراة لديها بنت بعمر 5 سنوات اسمها نيل لكن بعد ولادة صحرا تبدا نيل بالغيرة منها لانها دائما ناجة و جميلة لدرجة ان نيل تقتل زوجها و لا تنجح بقتل صحرا لكن و هي بالسجن تكتشف ان صحرا تعرفت على شاب وسيم و تزوجت منه مما زاد حقدها و قررت الانتقام
بعد طلوعها من السجن قررت تفريق صحرا عن زوجها
صحرا تذهب برحلة للمغرب و هناك خططت نيل لقتل صحرا في حادث خطير و الكل يعتقد انها ماتت و لكن صحرا تنجو من الحادث و تجرى لها عمليات و هون تبتدي القصة لما صحرا تقرر الانتقام

Fahri was one of the richest and respected man in the country. He got
married to Kerime. Her 5 year old girl spoiled in this glory until
Sahra's birth, then Nil envied her so much and after their mother death,
Nil's jealousy turned into hate.Years have passed and Nil couldn't
manage to get a job in her step-father's company. She got married to
Cemal, who was working in the same company. When Sahra turned back to
the company after completing her education. Cemal admired Sahra so much.
With the jealousy and hate, after an argument, Nil killed her husband
and sentenced. Sahra falls in love with this charismatic man, Sinan and
they get married. Nil loses everyhing in the jail while Sahra gains
everything. After their marriage, Fahri is dead and with the born of
Sahra's child, Nil is acquitted and have a chance to turn back to home.
And starts to apply her plans to take a revenge. She manages to seperate
Sahra and Sinan. After Sahra leaves her home and goes to Morocco, Sinan
follows her to be reconciled. Nil makes her friend from the jail, Melek
kill Sahra in Morocco. Melek plans a terrible accident and tries to
kill Sahra. Everybody believes her death but actually she is injured
seriously. A doctor called Hossein cures her. After a couple of
succesful surgical operations, Sahra becomes totally a different woman
and turns back to Turkey

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