بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Monday, January 13, 2014

India-Forums Tellybuzz wishes all its readers Happy Father's Day 2014

Vivan Bhatena
I want to wish everyone happy fathers day. I have lost my father few years ago and I really miss now and I have realized his importance now. I really value everything that he has taught me so far. I want to pass my message to all my fans that value your parents, learn from then enjoy their company, and their teachings and treasure each moment till you can.
India-Forums Tellybuzz wishes all its readers Happy Father's Day
It is rightly said that since god cannot be everywhere he has created parents for us. Lets read a small story on when God created Fathers.. 
When the good lord was creating Fathers, He started with a tall frame. And a female angel nearby said,"What kinda of father is that?If You're going to make children so close to the ground, why have You put fathers up so high? He won't be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending over or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping."
And God smiled and said,"Yes but, if I make him child-sized, who would children have to look up to?"

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