بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Thursday, March 14, 2013

cool dude samrat

cool dude samrat
Samrat Sehgal

In 3rd year of university. Very protective especially when it's about nupur. He is one of the hot n top students in the university (other than mayank). He is currently dating Sheena. He thinks his and Sheena's couple would be the most hot 'n' happening couple around the university. But he knows this is just affection not love.

Nupur Sehgal

Samrat's younger sister also in 3rd year of university.She's only younger by 10 months many people think they are twins. She's a decent girl and wears decent clothes. Avoids mini skirts and people with mini skirts. She only hangs out with people who have manners and know their limits. She shows them the stars who try to bully her or her friends or Samrat. She loves her brother but hates Sheena. Sheena wants to date Mayank or Samrat she's trying for both, she's already dating Samrat and now trying for Mayank.

Mayank Sharma

Mayank is friends with gunjan and benji. Loves his friends, a big prankster and a top n hot student in the university.
He doesnt follow the cheap and not so good trends but applies trends which suit him and are decent. He knows his limits and doesn't believe in crushes only true love and true friends.

Sheena Sherawat

Sheena is currently dating samrat. She wants to be his girlfriend because he is popular, hot and every girl wants to go out with him. She wear micro mini skirts to please samrat which doesn't work because for Samrat inner beauty is valuable than outer beauty. She hates Nupur but acts polite in front of Samrat.

Gunjan Sani

Gunjan is a mischevious girl who loves to play pranks with her friends Mayank and Benji. She's one friendly and cheery person on earth. She can't afford to lose her friends and they are the most important for her.she's a calm and tension free person. Before the exam she would freak her friends instead of revising (for fun). Her projects are very famous around the university because they are creative and win the first prize all the time. gunjan helps and supports her friends whenever they need her.

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