بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ghar Ki Laxmi Betiyann

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Ghar Ki Laxmi Bhavishya follows Lakshmi on the sly to the place where they have kept Durga. However, when Bhavishya reaches the house, he finds no one there. He gets irked, but is determined to find Durga at any cost. Later, Karan tells Lakshmi to be more careful of Bhavishya while he goes to collect the DNA report. The DNA report of Bhavishya matches with that of Kiran's. Meanwhile, Menka gets irked when she sees Niyati pacifying Savitri and making her eat. On the other hand, Karan and Lakshmi plan to trap Bhavishya. On the pretext of discussing something serious, Karan takes Lakshmi to their room. Bhavishya gets suspicious and follows them. Karan, who wants Bhavishya to overhear their conversation, gives Lakshmi the DNA report and tells her to keep it in safe custody. Lakshmi then hides the file in such a way that Bhavishya will find it easily. As expected by Karan and Lakshmi, Bhavishya gets hold of the DNA report, little realising that he is falling prey to Karan and Lakshmi's trap.

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