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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another “Jodha Akbar” Press Conference to Promote TV Serial2014

Producer Ekta Kapoor joined the leading couple of her historical TV serial Jodha Akbar for a promotional press conference in Mumbai, India on October 1, 2013.
Jodha Akbar TV SerialJodha Akbar TV Serial
TV actors Paridhi Sharma and Rajat Tokas were present in full costume, she as Jodha and he as Akbar of the controversy-ridden TV show.
Paridhi Sharma and Rajat Tokas in Jodha AkbarParidhi Sharma and Rajat Tokas in Jodha Akbar
Since its premier on Zee TV on June 18, 2013, the show has been very popular with the masses. However, there has also been criticism from various religious groups claiming that the show distorts history by depicting someone who never existed (Jodha), and hurts the image of the Rajputs since Akbar seems to put them down in almost every second line on the show.
A political group from Jaipur demanded that the show be banned. Zee TV said they couldn’t do much since they were under contract to air the episodes.
However, Ekta has since apologised if she hurt any relifious sentiments and said that she is ready to change the name of the show to simply ‘Akbar’ and even change the characters names if necessary. This seems to have appeased the group for now.
All this hasn’t mattered one iota to fans of the show who regularly tune in to check out the romance between Jodha and Akbar. 
Jodha Akbar Press ConferenceJodha Akbar Press Conference
Paridhi Sharma in Jodha Akbar serialParidhi Sharma in Jodha Akbar serial
Rajat Tokas in Jodha Akbar tv serialRajat Tokas in Jodha Akbar tv serial
Paridhi Sharma in Jodha AkbarParidhi Sharma in Jodha Akbar
Paridhi Sharma Jodha AkbarParidhi Sharma Jodha Akbar
Paridhi Sharma in Jodha Akbar tv serialParidhi Sharma in Jodha Akbar tv serial
Rajat Tokas in Jodha Akbar 
Rajat Tokas in Jodha Akbar

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