بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Sunday, May 19, 2013

prachi desai The snowy evening in New York

prachi desai The snowy evening in New York

She is a lonely bird who is sometimes a vagabond to kill time.She does'nt have the tale of any brittle relationship to share with.She is born with loneliness.She is an orphan.Luck brought her to New York where she achieved everything except a company to share her joy and sorrow.
She loves the snowy evenings in New York.No matter how cold they are.She just covers herself with a sweater and goes out to see the beautiful sight of snowfall.Her soft fair skin makes her appear like a cute snowy girl.
She loves sunny days also.Sunlight brings freshness to her face.She loves to swim in reverie.A loner like her can have pals only in daydreams.
But nothing can beat the snowy evenings in New York.Sipping hot chocolate in the cold evenings makes her happy.
During a snowy evening,there was someone who sat near her.He was not the fair tall young handsome Prince of her dreams.He was a middle aged man.
He did not hesitate to talk to her:Sitting here alone at this time?
She passed a cute smile.
"This is not India where girls are frightened to go out in the evenings".
He smiled:Oh!I did'nt think about that.Here women are so free.You can't find shy girls here.
She smiles again.
"Now a days women can't be weak.They have to fight for themselves for protection.Especially those who stay alone as they have no one to look after them".
He could read her hidden thoughts.
"You spoke for yourself now.You are alone here.right?"
She was surprised.
"You are great.You could understand that.I'm an orphan".
"Some people have evetubody in their life,but they are orphans.I'm one among them.I'm also alone."
She viewed the hidden pain on his face.
She thirsted for hot chocolate which she forgot to take it along with her for the first time.
He took out a flask from his bag.
"Would you like to have some hot chocolate?"
She was surprised.
"I can't survive without hot chocolate in snowy evenings".
She nodded,
"Wow!I love it.Our tastes are same i guess".
While sipping hot chocolate he felt for the first time that he has someone to share things with.That was a moment of ecstasy for both of them.

They spent many snowy evenings with each other.They felt that they are not orphans anymore.

He looked out from the gazebo.He witnessed snow fall.He felt that his love for her is falling down in the form of snow.But his age pulled him back from confessing his love.

She realised that the moments with him always kindled her face like the sunset kindled the skies.Her heart beat for the next snowy evening.
The next evening...
He was not alone.A handsome young man accompanied him.
He could not understand the meaning of his smile.
He assured her,
"You are not an orphan anymore.I found the Prince of your dreams".
She looked at him.She did not find the young man attractive.
But she saw love flowing from the middle aged man's eyes.
Her heart reminded her,
"He loves you.He cares for you.That is why he did this for you".
He sees her trembling.That was not what he expected from her.
She spoke clearly,
"You don't need to show any mercy to me.Because i'm not an orphan.Until i met you i considered myself as an orphan.But not anymore.I have you with me.So I'm not an orphan.The snowy evenings which we spent together cannot be erased from my heart even if i die.You proved that love has nothing to do with age.Handsome young men will come and go.But a man like you is seen once in a life time.I don't want to lose you".
His ears are honest,his ears can't lie to him.Still he doubted whether what he heard was true or not.Because she said what he wanted to hear from her.
Her tears seemed to be the beautiful snow drops;the the rare lovely flowers.
She does not know what his reaction would be.Slowly he moved his fingers to wipe her tears.Her eyes are filled up with tears.She looked into his eyes deeply.She could read his answer from his lusterous eyes.He began to caress her silky dancing hair.Slowly a smile appeared upon her pinkish white face.He smiled when the love he stored for her in his heart flowed down.
The young man left them alone to sink in the ocean of love.

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