بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Friday, October 10, 2014

Rediscover beauty secrets Beren Saat to seeing you like spectacular views2014

Track Turkish actress Beren Saat special way in order to put Makiajha look attractive in their daily lives and within the serials.

Notes that the Turkish actress Beren Saat very keen to appear properly through attention in a way Mcchiajeha during exit for hiking are used to identify eye black pen instead of a pen light and distribute it on the eye, with a lot of mascara and therefore you get eye appealing.

It only establishes the basis of glittery cream with a little Alboudra for a bright complexion, and end Makiajha put bright red lips, while inside the serials they follow a different method, according to the Journal Constitution.

We note that the star resort to the use of pen specifically black and put a lot of mascara to highlight the eye away from the use of light-colored, but in order to become her skin shining only put cream basis of a very good and powder prominent, and often used the beautiful actress Lipstick transparent, and thus show the beautiful actress on-screen views witch.

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