بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

prachi desai and her pals In the company of soft toys

prachi and her pals In the company of soft toys

prachi and her pals In the company of soft toys
Prachi Desai isn’t just any teenager. She’s the leading lady of one of television’s most popular soaps — Kasamh Se. But Prachi remains down-to-earth and it is reflected in her home. “I’d fill my notebooks with my autographs and even prepare awards speech. So, when I actually took home these trophies I can’t tell you how excited I was,” says Prachi pointing to the many awards that adorn her home.
To make place for yourself on the sofas means having to push aside Prachi’s many soft toys. Says the actor, “I adore them. Someone on the sets got wind of it and on my birthday I was gifted something like 50 soft toys!”
As I enter her home, I can feel a sense of warmth. I am greeted at the door by Prachi’s mother. It’s a refreshingly modest flat. Prachi then walks in, looking hip (unlike the bahu she plays) in a pair of Replay jeans and a baby-pink top with spaghetti straps.
Prachi tells me how she felt when she stepped into this house for the first time. “I was so happy and proud about myself that I had achieved it all on my own. Yet, the first thought that came to my mind was that this place was only temporary (it’s a rented apartment). God willing, I shall soon own a flat in Mumbai.”
Situated on the ninth floor, the house is far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. “It’s a quiet, breezy place that offers a great view,” says Prachi, as she sinks into the sofa adjoining the large window in her living area. “This is my favourite spot.”
The house has a gold and brown theme running through it with beige sofas encased in dark wood. While Prachi has no pets, she has a life-size soft toy in the shape of an adorable dog. Says Prachi, “I bought it New York and I actually had to get a special suitcase to carry this big doggy.”
Considering that at 19 Prachi has achieved so much, does she believe in luck and has this house brought her more of that? “Touchwood”, she says instantly, giving away her superstitious nature. “I think my time is good right now. Even the previous rented house I lived in soon after moving to Mumbai proved good for me. And since moving in here, things have only got better.”
Unlike a lot of stars, Prachi isn’t going out of her way to redecorate her place to suit Vastu standards. Prachi reasons, “Yes, I am a bit superstitious in the sense that if someone tells me something about the correct placement of furniture etc., I’ll try to follow it. For now, I have this horse-shoe shaped evil-eye pendant at the entrance of the living room, which I got from Istanbul and a golden coloured lucky ship that was gifted to me by “Ujas”, a Gujarati publication. I was told to place 12 coins at particular places within the ship and make the ship face east. My mom has taken care of that for me and I guess this ship too has added to my luck.”
Several idols of Ganapati, Lakshmi and Balaji are placed conspicuously in the living room. She says, “The idols have been gifted to me by friends and fans and I treasure them. There’s also a small prayer area in the bedroom. Though I don’t know much about rituals, I believe in regular prayers.”
Finally, what does home mean to her? “My home is the warmest place. When I feel low or after a hard day at work, home is where I like to be,” smiles Prachi.

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