خلال المسلسل، نعرف أن أضنالي وعلي هما شقيقان. كلاهما ينحدر من أضنة. ويلتقيان بمواجهة صعبة حيث كانا زميلين قبل ذلك وشرطيين قبل أن يطرد علي من البوليس. كما ويتعرّف يافوز أضنالي على ابنته صوفيا من زواج فاشل بامرأة يونانية اسمها ماريا كانت تعمل معه وعلي سابقاً بالشرطة.
مهمة صعبة
المسلسل الذي وصف في تركيا بأنه مليء بالأحداث المشوّقة وخليط مثير من الدراما والرومانسية والأكشن بقالب كوميدي رائع، حقق نجاحاً كبيراً ونسب مشاهدة مرتفعة خلال عرضه. واليوم، يتردّد أن محمد عاكف (جودت آغا) سيدخل الموسم القادم في مسلسل جديد تشاركه البطولة الممثلة ميليسا سوزن التي عرفها الجمهور العربي بـ «نارين» في المسلسل الذي يحمل اسمها. وسيباشر تصوير العمل في صيف 2011 من دون معرفة أية تفاصيل أخرى.
أوسم ممثل تركي
Series introduced by the Turkish channel ATV and knew dazzling success. We publish some of his story in the following: in order to save the city from turning into the land of the crimes, and found the PSD itself forced to call Yavuz nicknamed «Odhanala», (the ratio of the city of Adana in southern-eastern Turkey), which serves as chairman of the Department of Organized Crime there, so receiving This task Istanbul, but faces Maraz Ali, head of the largest gang in Istanbul, which appears to everyone that a businessman and owns a garage for repair and cleaning cars in a affluent suburb of Istanbul, but in fact, planning and the most organized crime operations illegal, located in the city, and seeks Directorate Security to arrest him. But a very intelligent man and its operations are strictly confidential, police can not catch him where they have no evidence against him. In return, you know the PSD that Odhanala not the kind that can be controlled, because it is not a regular, does not like to obey orders a working in his own way, but send him to Istanbul to join the department, Vivajo that its director a beautiful woman (achieved EDEL) is the most successful and most powerful element the fight against organized crime team. Not accept being a boss. Vaedel Western-style policing, (unlike Odhanala man eastern adhering to the principles and authentic Turkish customs), graduated from the Police Academy with distinction speak foreign languages, and a Western-style living as an independent woman.
During the series, we know that Odhanala and Ali are brothers. Both descended from Adana. And meet face tough where they were colleagues before and two police officers before being expelled Ali from police. Also recognizes Yavuz Odhanala daughter Sophia from a failed marriage a Greek woman named Maria was working with him and the former police.
A difficult task
Receive Edel is a difficult task which rhythm «Ali Maraz by Aihamh love story collected, so trust it and it becomes easy for the police to arrest him. Promotes development of events in the series, which will find its way soon on Arab screens, you will succeed Edel its mission or that love will overcome them? Will prevent link between brothers Yavuz and the latter from constipation Baali offender good heart?
Series, which described in Turkey as full of events interesting and exciting mix of drama, romance and Action wonderful comic template, has achieved great success and high rates View display. Today, rumor has it that Mohammed Akef (the Jawdat AQA) will enter next season in a new series share the tournament actress Melissa Suzanne seen by the Arab public 'Crossfire' in the series that bears its name. The work will begin filming in the summer of 2011 without the knowledge of any other details.
Awsome Turkish representative
Mohammed Akef, who had recently won the title of «star of the Turkish drama in the referendum conducted by the ATV channel. Also claimed second place in the category «awsome Turkish representative in a referendum on the social networking site« Facebook »Page star Turks, Muhannad Vtfouk series champion« Mamnoua »in the referendum, which competed by 50 artists of the heroes of the Turkish drama in fierce competition Subscribe which to choose Alawsm about 3 thousand members belonging to the page, where won first place Representative Murat Yildirim famous 'Prince' in the series 'Asi'.
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