No, not daily. But I try to manage to catch on to my routines three or four times a week.
What's your fitness mantra?
Good food and lots of water, this is the only fitness mantra I follow.
Do you follow any strict diet?
I don't follow as such any strict diet, but I usually avoid oily food and basically I avoid heavy meal at night.
What is the first thing you do in the morning to keep yourself fit?
I hit straight to the gym and do my workouts there. It keeps me fit and gives me engery for the entire day..
Any particular routine in workouts that you follow?
I prefer cardios and pushs ups any day.
Who do you idolise in the industry to keep your self fit?
No I don't idolise anyone. Once I had seen a body builder, I liked his body very much, but yea, no one in particular.
How important to you is fitness?
It is very important to be fit. Workout in today's life is very important.
Message to your fans to keep them fit and fine?
Pollution is the problem which we are facing around so it is necessary to keep yourself fit. Eat good food avoid outside food, oily food. Eat homemade food that is the best thing through which you can keep yourself fit.
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