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Sunday, February 17, 2013

12/24 Karol Bagh

Still from 12/24 Karol Baghhttp://img.india-forums.com/images/600x0/203878-smiriti-kalra-and-neil-bhatt.jpgSmiriti Kalra

TV actors don't have privacy issues with media: Sargun Mehta

(Sargun Mehta )
Paparazzi culture may be a threat to the personal lives of celebrities -- but not for television stars, feels Sargun Mehta, last seen as the protagonist in " Phulwa".
"I don't know about film stars, but television actors don't have privacy issues with the media. There are certain aspects of your life that you won't want people to know and sometimes they do come out. But I guess that's okay. It's a part of the job so one needs to accept it," she told IANS.

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