بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Friday, February 19, 2016

Go Soo, Jin Se-yeon for MBC sageuk Flower in Prison2016

Hrm, I don’t know about this casting, but let’s see what it’s about: Jin Se-yeon (Age of Feeling) has announced her next drama as the MBC sageuk Flower in Prison, and Go Soo (Empire of Gold) is now considering.
The drama centers around a woman born in prison and follows her success story, with Jin Se-yeon set to play the lead character named Ok-nyeo, which literally means “prison woman.” No word yet on what character Go Soo would play, other than that he’s a lead. Which I could figure well enough on my own, since he’s Go Soo.
The drama will deal with the Joseon legal system, in particular the people who argued on behalf of wronged citizens. They weren’t government officials who handled lawsuits, but would help ordinary people interpret the law and handle lawsuits for them, in a time when the legal code was written solely in hanja and thus out of the reach of understanding for commoners. In essence, it was a precursor to the modern legal system, with lawyers serving as intermediaries between the people and the courts.
The drama will be directed and written by two heavy-hitters in the sageuk world, PD Lee Byung-hoon (Dong-yi, Yi San, Dae Jang Geum) and scriptwriter Choi Wan-kyu (Triangle, Gu-am Heo Jun, IRIS, Jumong, All In, and Sangdo, among many others). While the main characters will be fictionalized, the drama will incorporate a number of real historical figures and events.
I can’t say that I’m thrilled with this pairing, because while I’d be happy to see Go Soo in another drama, I don’t understand how Jin Se-yeon gets all these leading roles when she’s yet to rise to the challenge of any of them. (Basically, girlfriday said it best.) I always want to be optimistic that people can change or discover hitherto-latent acting skills (Lee Yeon-hee had Miss Korea, Lee Bo-young had My Daughter Seo-young, even Changmin had Scholar Who Walks the Night)… but how many times can someone be bad and get that benefit of the doubt? That’s mostly a rhetorical question, but if you’ve got an answer, do share!
Jin Se-yeon will begin filming in mid to late February, after the childhood portions are filmed. Flower in Prison will follow MBC’s current weekend drama My Daughter Geum Sa-wol, to premiere in March.

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