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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Darsheel Safary Launches Wonderbook: Book of Spells 2013

Darsheel Safary Launches Wonderbook: Book of Spells

Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
The adorable Darsheel Safary recently launched Wonderbook: Book of Spells, the new Sony PlayStation game that came about as a result of Sony’s partnership with Pottermore, the website based on J.K. Rowling‘s Harry Potter series. I know this is supposed to be for a younger audience and all, but I am dying to get my hands on it. I mean, in the series, The Standard Book of Spells is the fictional textbook by Miranda Goshawk that Harry, Ron and Hermione study whilst at Hogwarts.*sigh*
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Darsheel Safary
Also, it’s just the Potter nerd in me speaking here, but I couldn’t help picking this up: The description of the game on Playstation’s website refers to Book of Spells as being found in the Restricted Section of the library – except they claim it teaches spells like Incendio, Wingardium Leviosa and Expelliarmus, which are fairly basic spells, so you know…  I mean I understand creative licenses and all but like I said, it’s only the Potter nerd in me nitpicking here. :P

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