بطل فلم وادي الدئاب

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sampada Vaze,بطلة مسلسل هندي انت وانا صور روعة

Sampada Vaze,

Sampada Vaze: When stressed, I go the spa

Actress and model Sampada Vaze talks about staying fit physically and mentally

Fitness –
“Fitness to me means being mentally and physically healthy. My dad is an ex-army person and is extremely fit. My grandmother who is 85 still drives her own car and has an active social life. She according to me is the epitome of fitness and I hope to be as fit as her when I am her age.

I keep changing my exercise regime to make sure I don’t get bored. Right now I have enrolled in a dance class and yoga class. Both are for 5 days a week and keep me physically and mentally fit. Earlier I have tried kickboxing, power yoga, hot yoga, strength training and various other ways of keeping fit.

Diet – I drink lots of water and also try and carry a packet of protein biscuits with me to munch on so that I don’t get the urge to eat anything unhealthy when out. I have three meals in a day. I am not fond of eating sweets and also avoid red meat and stick to seafood if I eat non-vegetarian food.

For breakfast, I usually have two eggs omelette with brown bread and some fruits in the morning before my breakfast and dry fruits as a mid morning snack. For lunch I always have home cooked food, which is dal, vegetables and rotis. Dinner is usually soup or couscous, with an addition of chopped tomatoes, onions, Soya nuggets, boiled eggs etc.

Home is extremely relaxing, as I have two dogs that play a huge role in keeping me relaxed and happy. I do volunteer work with an animal welfare organization as I am fond of animals.

I love going to the spa and whenever I feel stressed, I try to go for a massage. On an ongoing basis, I find yoga which incorporates meditation keeps me relaxed. I love reading and read a lot. I find it extremely relaxing. Hanging out with friends and family is always de stressing.

It means connecting to a higher spirit or God as we call it. I believe spirituality has nothing to do with religion. I believe that the single most important thing is to be a good human being. I don’t follow any ritual daily though I do try to pray before I go to bed every night, I also go to the temple on special occasions as well as the church as my husband is a Christian.

I find Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind inspiring. It’s a story of a strong spirit triumphing over all odds. Another extremely inspiring book is Jonathan Livingston's Seagull.

To live and let live is something I strongly believe in. I also believe in karma and what goes around comes around. I believe that if one has a positive attitude it reflects in your face and in your general well being.”


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